# Information Form

    What is Breast Cancer?

    Breast cancer, breast tissue contents, cancer tissue. 80% of breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinoma. Invasive ductal carcinoma shows that breast cancer occurs in the milk ducts. 20 percent of breast cancer is invasive lobular carcinoma. This development occurs in breast glands, not in breast cancers. The proliferation and growth of cells that cause breast cancer take quite some time. However, after proliferation, the symbols may spread to the lymph and other organs of the bloodstream. The most important factor in breast cancer is the diagnosis of cancer without spreading to other organs through blood and lymph. With a diagnosis made at this stage, the treatment rate is very high. So the early detection of breast cancer is very clear.

    Risk factors

    The most important risk factors known for the development of breast cancer are;

    • Being obese or overweight
    • Not enough physical activity
    • Alcohol use

    Those whose first birth age is after 30 or who have never given birth

    First menstrual age: Those who have had their first menstrual period at an early age are at increased risk after being exposed to estrogen for longer.

    Menopause age: Menopause is known as the period in which one ceases to be menstrual and fertile. Entering menopause at an advanced age (> 55 years) increases the risk of breast cancer. Here too, the agent is exposed to estrogen for a long time.

    • Female gender, advanced age
    • Genetic design of BRCA-1, BRCA-2 mutations
    • Breast cancer history producer
    • Radiotherapy to the chest

    Some benign breast diseases (such as fibroadenoma, papillomatosis, etc.)

    Family history of breast cancer: The risk of developing breast cancer is higher in women who have breast cancer in their mother, relatives, aunt and/or sister.


    The most obvious symptom in breast cancer is the presence of an uncontrolled mass in the breast. In addition, radiology imaging can be done with the possibility. The advanced stages of breast cancer, the rooms of the known mass, some features available in the breast tissue and the skin’s reddening vessels by developing, determining the age, bloody discharge in the breast and armpit 40-year-old ultrasonography, 40-year-old is recommended to use two-year intervals. Woman in front of her hand-drawn and meat. Apart from this, the internal skeleton blood from the breast, thickening of the veins in the breast tissue, there are similarities similar to collapse in the tissue is established immediately specialist medicine.

    Breast Cancer Early Symptoms Sorting

    • Breast mass
    • Breast skin looks like an orange peel
    • Nipple collapse inwards
    • Nipple discharge and bloody discharge

    If breast cancer cannot be diagnosed early, there are some local findings.


    Late Symptoms of Breast Cancer

    • A large mass under the armpits
    • Pain on the breast
    • Visible wounds on the breast

    and the spread of breast cancer cells to other organs and bones.

    How is the diagnosis made?

    If you have certain symptoms or complaints, you should consult a doctor. After the doctor prepares the examination, he or she will ask for mammography if the breast mass or anybody notices a suspicious condition and sends the patient to a general surgeon. Mammography is an X-ray adjustable film of the breast. It can show masses that are too small to be noticed by hand. If mammography is suspected, breast ultrasound is also performed. High-frequency sound waves that cannot be heard by ultrasonic are displayed on a screen such as a TV screen to ensure that the structures of different consistency in the breast tissue agree. Ultrasound can tell whether the mass in the breast is filled with liquid or solid. If there is a mass with liquid in it, it is called a cyst. If a solid mass is not detected in the breast, your doctor enters with a needle and asks for a piece from this mass. This procedure is called a biopsy, sometimes by pulling a piece of breast tissue into the syringe (aspiration biopsy) with a needle, and sometimes a small piece of the mass in the breast (trucut biopsy) with a special needle. If general anesthesia is not required for both procedures, being outpatient with local anesthesia does not require hospitalization.


    Breast cancer includes treatment, therapeutic treatment, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and radiotherapy. Surgical procurement, clear breast tumor and description of the axillary lymph nodes, and even if there is spread, is intended to remove these lymph nodes. Surgical procurement is a mastectomy performed by the part of the breast tissue close to the mouth according to the condition or breast-conserving surgery in which only cancer is taken. Sentinel lymph node biopsy is performed to avoid or minimize possible problems of armpit lymph node dissection (arm edema and pains, limitation of movement, etc.). Since the sentinel lymph node is located in the lymph node where the lymph flow of a tumor goes first, it is removed and the pathologist examines the tissue with a microscope. If there is no cancer, it is understood if no more lymph nodes need to be removed. A multidisciplinary study list includes these treatments; surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.
