# Information Form

    What is pertoneal cancer?

    Prepare the function of cancer spreading into the abdomen, whether the property is versatile. After deciding on the appropriate decision of this treatment by the physician of the individual, this behavior may offer the survival advantage without the recurrence of advanced-stage cancers in the individual. Survival advantage in appendicitis cancers has increased significantly. Here, the fluid accumulates in the abdomen, which prevents them from breathing and sleeping, and they have to go to the hospital constantly. It could be lost in a year or two. However, with cytoreductive surgery (intra-abdominal surgery) and heated chemotherapy, the same patient can survive for seven to 13 years. However, the result can be sorted according to the type of the tumor, the place and the general condition of the disease. The peritoneal cavity is the largest space in the body in which fluid and cells circulate. Peritoneal cancers of the chafer and cancers that spread or metastasize from other organs to the peritoneum are called secondary peritoneal cancers. Peritoneal cancer in women expects many years after ovarian cancer is considered primary. Other primary peritoneal cancers; Hereditary factors and BRCA 1 mutation are effective in the formation of primary peritoneal cancers.

    What are the symptoms of primary peritoneal cancer?


    – Abdominal pain


    – Abdominal swelling (due to the collection of fluid called ascites in the abdomen)


    – Weight loss


    – Hand in hand


    – Thickening of the omentum surrounding the intestines (omental cake view)


    – Increased coagulation, vascular blockage (embolism), vascular inflammation (phlebitis)


    In the PIPAK method, the patient undergoes chemotherapy by laparoscopy (in the operating room and under general anesthesia) for half an hour with an aerosol method without any serious surgery. PIPAK, which can be defined as a pressurized aerosol intraperitoneal chemotherapy aslında, is actually used in order to extend the life expectancy and increase the comfort of life in the treatment of patients who are not even able to apply HIPEC with surgery. Although it is a palliative treatment in general, metastasis can be regressed to make it suitable for surgery and then HIPEC can be used to treat the disease. In this sense, we can define it as a second weapon.


    Under this light of hope, peritoneal cancer is no longer considered desperate end-stage cancer. Because in cancer research conducted all over the world; It has been scientifically proven that cancer has benefited much more from this treatment, especially if cancer has spread to the abdominal membrane in a limited area. In the light of this information, although hot chemotherapy has started to be used in the treatment of other cancers (stomach, pancreas…), it is necessary to be more selective in other types of cancer in order to achieve a similar benefit.



    Peritoneal cancer (advanced intra-abdominal cancers) may also be self, but the contents of the umbilical spleen come from an organ (metastasis). Most common colon, ovarian and gastric cancers metastasize to the peritoneum. This tare is manifested by time spillage (the accumulation of tumor cells in the abdomen below the membrane). Of course, the fluid balance in this process also deteriorates the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen begins. Abdominal swelling, pain, feeling of discomfort, and sometimes partial intestines with constipation or gas and stop the onset of fecal output, such as congestion and clinical symptoms are seen.


    First, we discuss each patient with suspected peritoneal cancer in the oncology council and decide if it is suitable for surgery. Patients that we think are suitable for surgery are usually hospitalized in our clinic and prepared for surgery. The operations and their risks are explained to the patients and their relatives in detail. The patient is taken to surgery on the appropriate date. If the intra-abdominal tumors can be completely removed in the operation findings, all the visible tumors are removed. This process can sometimes take 10-15 hours depending on the extent of the tumor in the abdomen. After the visible masses are completely removed, drains are placed into the abdomen and the abdomen is closed. After that, our perfusionist is given a heart pump device and heating device according to the cancer type of the patient for 30-60 or 90 minutes by applying hot chemotherapy is terminated. The patient does not have to pay any fee for this treatment. If there is no problem in the postoperative period, the patient is discharged within 7-10 days. The oncological treatment of the patient is planned according to the pathology result which will be released in about one month.
